#2530 AVIO 4-1 TABLETS - 100

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(2 reviews)
2.25 (in)
3.75 (in)
2.25 (in)
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A broad spectrum safe tablet for the treatment of Salmonella (Paratyphoid) E-coli, Coccidiosis and Canker. Contains a higher percentage of Ronidazole. The highest quality ingredients are supplied at an affordable price.

Do NOT combine with Bromhexine or any other medication.

Recommeded Use: Treat any ill pigeon that is not eating or drinking with 1 tablet per pigeon per day for 5 days, when any of the above diseases are suspected and a firm diagnosis cannot be made. If possible, always try to make a definite diagnosis and treat accordingly. Contains: Ronidazole 10mg, Furaltadone 15mg and Ronidazole 10%

Contains: Ronidazole 10mg, Furaltadone 15mg


  • 4
    4-1 tabs

    Posted by George on Jun 14th 2021

    Combination of Ronidazole and Furaltadone, recommended by some as an effective treatment against e-coli. This was my back-up med after Enroflox seemed to have had no effect. Worth a try if you cannot get your birds to a vet, although I'd recommend the latter first...a fecal sample can produce a more accurate result in identifying the exact strain, so one doesn't have to guess at which antibiotic to try. As for the product itself, cannot complain.

  • 5
    Avio 4-1 tabs

    Posted by Patti Adams on Jan 3rd 2021

    I gave this to my Serama Bantam hens that weren't looking quite right. They were looking lethargic. I gave one tab daily for 4 days. After the second dose they began to perk up. By the 4th day they were back to themselves.