#2507 AVIOMED 4-1 POWDER 100 GRAMS BUY 1 GET 1 - 50% OFF EXP DATE 2/2026
AviomedA broad spectrum, safe powder for the treatment of Salmonella (Paratyphoid), E-coli, Coccidiosis and Canker. The highest quality ingredients are supplied at an affordable price.
Treat pigeons for 5 days when any of the above diseases is suspected and a firm diagnosis cannot be made. Powder - add 1 teaspoon to a gallon of drinking water for 7 continuous days. For more effectiveness combine with #2526 Entromune for the full 7 days. Change water daily.
The powder contains Ronidazole 10% and Furaltadone 20%.
Aviomed 4 in 1 powder
I use this when I have a new bird in quarantine. Been a good approach for me.
Always use this before pairing and beginning of training with good result
I've used this before many times, it tightens up the stool and I feel helps the birds health although it may not "cure" a problem it sure helps the birds fight any problems.
Great so far did the job it should
Not strong enough
If you need to medicate get a single dose not 4/1 just not strong enough to take care coccidiosis but good enough for Any bacterial infection
Very good