#2529 AVIO-TYPHOID CURE 100 gr.
AviomedAviomed has produced this extremely effective combination of antibiotics which acts more effectively in combination than they would singularly. Highly effective against Paratyphoid (Salmonella), E-coli, and Muscle & Wing diseases. It is a fantastic product for the treatment of Young Bird Disease.
Directions for Use: Use for 10 consecutive days during an outbreak of these diseases. Combine treatment with Avio-Gel and Avio-Entromune. Add 2 heaped teaspoons to 4 pounds of feed. Add 1 1/2 heaped teaspoons to a gallon of drinking water for 7-10 days. Change daily. Follow with a probiotic. We strongly suggest you vaccinate after the treatment and repeat vaccination 14 days later.
Do NOT combine with Bromhexine.
Contains: Furaltadone, Chloramphenicol and Amoxycillan
Typhoid Cure
This is very good for keeping your birds healthy.