Pigeon VitalityTriColi-STOP - A natural pigeon product.
ONLY 1 capsule of TriColi-STOP! Removes 99.8 % of Trichomonas / Canker within 3 hours! Suppresses the E-Coli in the pigeon within hours! Rapidly improves the condition of the pigeon! Cleans & refreshes the liver of the pigeon!
Contains only pure natural organic substances and vitamins! NOT A MEDICINE, so NO resistance or side effects can develop! After extensive testing at one of the worlds leading university, scientist were amazed to discover, that after the administration of only one TriColi-STOP capsule, it removed 99.8 % of Trichomonas/ Canker within 3 hours. Results from the University of Ghent, Belgium, in the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Dept. of Pathology, Bacteriology and Avian Diseases
Contains: 100 Capsules
Natural and safe and can be used in combination with a second canker treatment.
I was skeptical of this when I first used it but I have found it has helped reduced counts of canker protozoans under the microscope without having a reduction in the immune system effectiveness because it isn't a drug. So now I'm using it in the race season along with four other actual canker medications I rotate out after each race to circumvent canker resistance. Good additional help for birds in the race basket just before a race and let the meds do their job after the race!