AviomedThis proven product initially developed to naturally enhance performance in horses has been carefully adapted to become the ultimate natural pigeon performance enhancer.
It is a highly effective liver stimulant and detoxicator that stimulates racing performances and early recovery by its liver support. It contains no banned substances but uses the natural performance enhancers found in nature. When using performance powder, the pigeon fancier is assured of the best possible racing results as well as fast recovery from races.
It is recommended that performance powder be added over pigeon feed the day before a competition. It combines extremely well with Aviomed`s Lectrolyte. It may also be used with great benefit when added to stock birds and babies` food twice a week as it increases appetite and vigor whilst stimulating maximum growth in babies.
Contains: Vitamin B15 (Pangamic Acid - DMG), Vitamin B12/Thioctic Acid, mega doses of Vitamin B Complex, Liver extract, Vitamin B1, B2 & B6, Biotin, Vitamin C, Yeast and Dextrose.
Directions: Add a teaspoon to about 2 lbs. of feed. Moisten the feed with Feather & Immune oil, Avio-Gel or any light oil. Use twice a week during flying or breeding season.