#7018 SAFFLOWER - 10 LBS.
Favorite Seeds
Shipped just fine, my pigeons eats these like candy!
Pigeon Crack!
I've spent the last 3 years being told by everyone in my pigeon circles that safflower is one of the tastiest treats you can offer your birds. It's a part of the feed I use (the breeder conditioner w/o corn you can find on this very site!) so I wasn't too invested in getting a full bag of the stuff. Well, after the stimulus check went out and finally hit me, I decided to spoil my birds a little. In addition to a bunch of other supplies (some more necessary than others) I bought one of these bags. 3/4 of my breeders are quite friendly with my already, but this stuff has finally helped me bond with the 4th, most standoffish bird. She'll come and eat out of my hand willingly now, and she's allowing me to get my hands close enough to her to ask her to step up. My Lucernes (she's one of them) eat this stuff so fast they huff for breath because they're so into eating they forget to breathe!! A high-fat snack, but definitely one my birds LOVE. Great for bribing birds into enjoying your company, and now that I'm breeding probably a good way to keep their condition up!!