#508 POX VACCINE, Expires MAY 28, 2025
PIGEON POX VIRUS - PIGEON POX BLEN VACCINE is a live, freeze dried vaccine. Made in the USA.
Pigeon Pox is a viral infection that is spread by mosquitos. The Pox is usually seen in spring and summer. It affects both young and old pigeons and is not transferable to humans. An infection is usually seen 4-14 days after being infected and usually appears on bare skin such as around the eyes, on the nose, eyelids, butt, external skin of the ear and on occasion the toes or feet. Small brownish or yellowish growths appear and then grow in to ugly wart looking bumps. These growths will go away by themselves in 1-4 weeks. The infected pigeons will look sick for 3-5 weeks and has a low death rate of 5-10%.
Pigeon pox is a virus and has no treatment to cure it. Prevention by vaccination is the only answer. It is not a treatment, it is a preventative. Remove and isolate all sick birds and then vaccinate the healthy birds. The recommendation is that all pigeons should be at least 6 weeks old when inoculated. Clean and disinfect the entire loft with a product such as Oxine. Do not allow the birds to bathe during an outbreak and be sure to disinfect all feeders and drinkers. A product such as Pox Dry will help shorten the life of the virus.
The vaccine is not an injectable but applied with the instrument supplied with each order. Do not vaccinate sick birds. It is suggested that you treat, with a broad spectrum antibiotic to help reduce the possibility of a secondary infection.
Dispose of the unused vaccine. Store the vaccine, until opened, in the refrigerator. This is a 1000 dose container.
Must be shipped Next Day Air