By. Charles. Heitzman. This booklet was originally issued in the 1960`s and this is now the 7th printing This issue is true to the original text of the great pigeon flyer and author, Chas Heitzman. This issue is the first update and contains lots of new photos. If you plan on building a loft or perhaps redesign the one you have, this is a must read! Photos feature the contributions of many flyers in North America. Information on appropriate size, ventilation, landing boards, trapping, perches, nest boxes, feeding and more! 36 pages, soft copy. Many color photos of lofts! Lofts for Racing Pigeons
Lofts for Racing Pigeons pamphlet
Good value for the money.
Pamphlet 'Lofts for Racing Pigeons'
Good value for the money. It has almost all the same information as the more expensive hardback books.
A pretty short book
Doesn't really contain too much detailed design like I hoped for (perhaps unrealistically), but some good ideas for a modest price.
Lofts for racing pigeons
Very good book a lot of info and great pictures of loft for references. I will be building my first loft and this helped alot