So many medications call for the addition of vitamins and pro-biotics after the treatment. Foy`s now offers you the opportunity to do this in just one step.
Foy`s UltraPro is a combination of a high quality vitamin along with a probiotic. Foy`s UltraPro is also a great product to add to the drinking water 2-3 times a week.
The probiotic helps keep the intestines healthy, and this is where so much disease starts. The vitamains will, over a period of time, create a smooth glossy feather, tight droppings and give your birds energy and eagerness to fly. You should also expect better fertility and a good moult.
Add 1 teaspoon per gallon of water 2-3 days after a medication treatment and use regularly 2-3 days a week year round.
Foys ultra pro
Been using 2 years, healthy birds and great feather sheen.
Foys Ultra Pro
Fills in the any gaps in your feed program.
Foy's Ultra Pro
Been using this product two years now. There was an immediate change in our birds upon adding this to their water. Their plumage was much softer and vivid. The birds are more alert and healthier then ever before. We won't be without Ultra Pro.
Ultra pro
Been using couple years seems like birds bounce back quickly after worming or 3 in 1