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You must choose UPS Next Day for GUARANTEED delivery. If UPS NEXT DAY AIR is not chosen under the shipping, you are taking a chance that the vaccine will not be good once you receive your order. Orders placed via UPS Next Day Air on Thursday or Friday will be shipped out the following Monday!!! NO REFUNDS OR RETURNS FOR ANY REASON

KM1 Paratyphoid Vaccine Made available in 2013, after years of development and testing. Dr John Kazmierczak and Dr Paul Miller, both lifelong racing pigeon fanciers, developed this vaccine. Vaccinated birds were challenged in tests and DID NOT get Paratyphoid, unvaccinated birds developed Paratyphoid after challenged. Earlier vaccines had a tendency to make birds sick and occasional deaths. This vaccine has shown minimal side effects and may be given to birds as young as six weeks. KM-1 contains strains from racing pigeons, show pigeons and meat pigeons, these are current strains that previous vaccines did not protect against.

Each bottle will treat 100 birds at the rate of 1/4 cc. Initially the birds are vaccinated twice, 3 weeks apart and then ONCE EVERY 6 MONTHS.

The only way to prevent Paraytphoid is with a long term approach of vaccination.

Symptoms of Paratyphoid may include:

  • twisted neck
  • lack of coordination
  • limp, dropped wing
  • eggs not hatching
  • young dying in the shell or at weaning age
  • sudden death
  • and in some cases none of these symptoms, but they will still have the disease.

KM-1 is a killed bacterium. This vaccine is a polyvalent autogenous bacterin of Salmonella isolates recently found in racing, show and meat pigeons. It has been formulated as an aid in the prevention of paratyphoid infections caused by many of the Salmonella strains currently circulating in pigeons. It is intended for use in all types of domestic pigeons.

Vaccinate only healthy birds, preferably during a period of low stress, such as after the moult or prior to breeding season. Avoid vaccinating during breeding season, racing/show, the moult, and pigeons less than 6 weeks of age. It is also advised to rest pigeons in their own loft for 48 hours post vaccination. You may vaccinate against Paratyphoid using KM-1 Vaccine while using Lasota in the drinking water, in fact it is a good idea. The KM-1 will stimulate the immune system and activate the immune system which in turn will make the Lasota more effective.

Protects pigeons against Paratyphoid disease

  • Vaccinated birds were challenged in tests and did NOT get disease (Paratyphoid); also they did NOT shed bacteria (Salmonella).
  • Un-vaccinated birds developed disease (Paratyphoid) after challenge and shed bacteria in their droppings (Salmonella). 
  • Vaccines produce both humoral (Antibody) and cellular protection.
  • Safe: Birds show minimal side effects.
  • Earlier vaccines depressed birds for up to a few days with occasional fatalities.
  • Can be given to pigeons 6 weeks and older.
  • Broad Spectrum: Contains several recently isolated strains of Salmonella. 
  • Contains strains from racing, show and meat breeds of pigeons.
  • Contains strains which infect lung, heart, kidneys, as well as the joints and intestines.
  • Recently developed by Drs. John Kazmierczak and Paul Miller. Both are lifelong successful racing pigeon fanciers.
  • Manufactured by ARKO Labs, well know avian vaccine manufacturer.
  • Contains a patented adjuvant, which safely boosts vaccine take and provides a high level of protection.
  • Extensively tested for safety and effectiveness in both lab and field.
  • Field tested for years in several pigeon fanciers lofts.
  • Lab tested by ARKO and approved by the USDA.
  • Licensed by USDA for sale in all states; can legally be sold, shipped and possessed in any state.
  • Available through our select distributors, listed below.

For more information, please visit: www.pigeonvaccinelab.com or call Dr. Kazmierczak at (609)771-0995. 100 Shots You must choose UPS Next Day for guaranteed delivery.

Orders placed via UPS Next Day Air on Thursday or Friday will be shipped out the following Monday!!!



Notice to clientele using ARKOs Nu-Sal (KM-1) vaccine for pigeons A small amount of the adjuvant in this vaccine may have a tendency to come out of solution and cause a bit of flocculation (floaties) in the vaccine. This has shown to have no deleterious effect on the product from a safety of efficacy standpoint. As long as the adjuvant is not blocking your needle, you shouldnt be concerned about it. Shaking the product vigorously before use will have a tendency to disperse the adjuvant and prevent any syringe ability issues. Hopefully, this will clear up any questions about the product.

ARKO Laboratories, Ltd. John Kazmierczak, DVM


  • 5
    Don't Risk It - Vaccinate Your Birds

    Posted by Evelyn Fewster on Apr 16th 2021

    For the first couple years of my pigeon's lives, I kept them indoors - but when I decided they weren't getting enough out time and needed more exercise and we built them a loft, I decided it was time to vaccinate them for Paratyphoid and PMV. Especially since I knew new birds were coming to join my loft, I wanted to be cautious - I love my birds and would really feel awful if something happened to them that I could have prevented. In the time that has passed, I have watched several breeders I am friendly with lose birds and deal with infertile eggs and dead peeps from Paratyphoid, and I'm very grateful I made the choice to vaccinate. I have a new pair coming in this year, and so will be reordering this soon to give my current pairs a booster and their first dose of the vaccine (the second pair to join missed this vaccine due to mistiming but we did get them a PMV vaccination, which we will also be giving boosters for) and thankfully I know those 2 are going to already be vaccinated for Paratyphoid, but a booster for the currently vaccinated birds wouldn't hurt and the 2nd pair DO need their first hit of this stuff. Not risking anything else! Vaccinate your birds!