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This book was created to help those who plan on building or remodeling a Racing Pigeon Loft, but I know of no reason why this book would not help any pigeon fancier. Here is the introduction of the book, which tells you a bit about the author, Lonnie Patterson. I have built many types of buildings since building my first pigeon cage on the side of a fence in the 7th grade and flying pigeons while doing construction work most of the 53 years since, qualifies me to write this book. I`ve designed and built restaurants, and seventy custom built homes. A number of my buildings were custom built lofts. My most expensive building, per square foot was a racing pigeon loft. I then moved about 250 miles, to Apple Valley, California. I have moved lofts across town, across the state and across the country. My pigeon flying experience has been in two countries, two states, and four different towns. I have flown from good locations and bad. My experiences traveling to several countries, observing varied types of lofts and methods, have provided me a unique source of information to help you in the sport. This book is in color and contains many Racing Pigeon Lofts as well as drawings on building lofts. Chapters include Pre-planning, Permit requirements, Remodeling and existing loft, portable Roller loft, breeding cages and more.8.5 X 11.5, 80 pages. BUILDING PIGEON LOFTS LEGALLY
lots of good logical ideas
very good book