Loft white
Good to have around during those damp wet times. I use it under the perches.
Belgium White
The best I've tried so far. Very good for keeping the loft floor dry, especially under perches
Belgium white
I used this product on the floor, keep the floor dry, keep bad smell to minimum. good product.
Great for the lofts
I been buying this item for yrs it is the best for the lofts I recommend this product to everyone
Work well
Help to clean the coop
Works perfect
We use this product on our loft floor after every cleaning. It does a great job keeping the loft floor dry and helps provide a clean fresh odor between cleaning.
Belgium White
Was a bit skeptical of this being it’s the old trick of ground chalk. But I decided for the price it’s worth a try on my scraped loft floors (plywood) this product works great at keeping the loft looking and feeling clean! I believe it creates a drier floor, which keeps the droppings in good form making it easier to evaluate each birds droppings in the AM. When humidity high is in the air, this product will show It. Nest boxes, loft floors, shelves, perches are now scraped easier and look a whole lot nicer.