#2543 AVIO PRIMAQUIN+ 100ml
AviomedBased on Primaquin Sulphate this new innovative combination product against the difficult to control Pigeon Malaria (Hamaproteus) organism is proving to be far more effective than Primaquin treatment alone.
Primaquin+ again combines the chemical treatment of Primaquin Sulphate with the natural treatment of specific herbs. It contains Cynara extract that acts as a potent liver stimulant and detoxifier. The cumulative effect of the chemical and natural makes it far more effective against Primaquin resistant Pigeon Malaria. Because of the detoxifying effect of Cynara, the dose of Primaquin could also be increased without causing fatty liver syndrome. Another truly amazing product for a very difficult to manage disease has again been developed as a world first by Aviomed.
- Pigeon Malaria Treatment: Add 8ml per gallon of drinking water continuously for 10 days.
- As a performance enhancing tonic: Add 4ml to gallon of drinking water for 3 days continuously.
Recommended use: Use accordingly to instructions for 10 days continuously before the racing season. May be used for three days continuously two days before basketing during the racing season to stimulate racing form.
Contains: Primaquin Sulphate 2g & Alpha lipoic acid
This product is nessasary when racing