#7032 PERCH OIL - 32 OZ.
Dr. Pigeon
Do your birds tap dance on their perches or stamp their feet in the evening? Are the scales on their legs or feet raised? If so, they are being annoyed by the Red Mite. This mite does not live on the bird, it lives in the cracks around the perches and moves on the bird in the evening to suck blood. The Perch Oil is very effective in ridding your birds of these pests as well as other lice and mites. Squirt a small stream onto the perch and the areas surrounding it. Dr. Pigeons Perch Oil 32 oz.
perch oil
Works great, enough said !!!!
perch oil
Works great, enough said !!!!
Perch oil
Works very well and quickly just not sure why it had to take a tour of the continent before arriving at my home.
Perch pil
Works well i have been using for years to keep mites away
Perch oil
Product worked great! But my only negative was the delivery method. When you squeezed the bottle, too much oil came out. I felt it was hard to control. An adjustable spray nozzle I believe would help with this problem. But as far as working to get rid of possible pest issues it worked wonderful.